Easy Pan Cake

With ingredients are easily available and quick to create, cakes can be presented the option to make breakfast or snack on while relaxing.Cuisine Category: Desserts
Estimated Preparation Time: 30 Minutes
Presented To: 5 People

250 grams flour
50 grams of refined sugars
3 eggs Eggs
5 grams Baking Powder
20 grams of milk powder
150 grams of liquid milk
10 grams of liquid Margarine
100 grams Water

How to Treat:
1. Mix the flour with all the ingredients in powder form, mix well.
2. Enter the liquid ingredients, stirring until blended.
3. Let stand for 10 minutes the dough.
4. Make a thin pancake with a size according to taste.
5. Once cooked put it in a dish, decorate as desired.